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Desmond Tutu & His Daughter: On Ubuntu and More
Can we recover from the legacy of slavery, lynching, land theft, disenfranchisement, redlining, job discrimination, and mass imprisonment? Listen to what Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter, Rev. Mpho Tutu, have to say about Ubuntu, the spirit of forgiveness, which helped South Africa transition from apartheid to a multiracial democracy.... posted on Jun 21 2015, 13,229 reads


I Like Being 98
Evelyn (no last name given) was 97 when her driver's license was taken away from her for no other reason than her age. So, at age 98, she decided to get it back in order to fulfill a promise to a neighbor to get her to the grocery store once a week after their retirement community's bus service was discontinued. "When you make a promise, it's important for me to keep that promise if it's possible.... posted on Jun 20 2015, 6,944 reads


What Can Save The Rain Forest? Your Used Cell Phone
The chirping of birds, the buzz of cicadas, the banter of gibbons--these sounds of the rainforest envelope us, and provide us refuge. And yet, just beyond there is an imminent threat--the ever-present sound of the chainsaw. Every year, our rainforests face a brutal deforestation -- it seems a losing battle. But, what if I told you there might be a rather simple solution to prevent future loss? A s... posted on Jun 19 2015, 11,089 reads


The Gift of Being Sincerely Enthusiastic
Here's a seemingly simple question: Which type of individual would you rather hang out with -- a positive, fun-loving person, or a mean-spirited, highly critical and negative person? As best seller author and blogger Gretchen Rubin sees it -- and further backed up by studies -- the answer for many is surprisingly not as cut and dry as you might think. Enjoy her eye-opening take on this ongoing bat... posted on Jun 18 2015, 13,736 reads


Design For Amplifying Human Potential
As the proliferation of computers, websites and apps continue to explode at a seemingly never-ending pace, a serious question is starting to be asked: Is all this technological innovation helping -- or hindering -- the human experience? Tristan Harris believes we must figure out ways to ensure that these advancements are indeed helping amplify human potential, and not just simply being a massive ... posted on Jun 17 2015, 14,548 reads


Love After Love: An Ode to Being at Home in Ourselves
It is often said that in order to truly love another, you must learn to love yourself. But, what does loving yourself even mean? Enjoy this poem by Nobel Prize-winning poet Derek Walcott that presents one perspective on what it means to love yourself. This masterpiece has been described as "one of the greatest, most soul-stretching poems ever written."... posted on Jun 16 2015, 32,438 reads


Teach Aids: Breaking Taboos for the World for Free
Piya Sorcar is ​the founder and CEO of TeachAIDS, a social venture spun out of Stanford University that has been recognized as an innovation that could “change the world” by MIT Technology Review. At TeachAIDS, Piya leads a team of world experts in medicine, public health, and education to develop interactive software for HIV/AIDS prevention around the world. All of the material... posted on Jun 15 2015, 8,127 reads


The Biggest Reason We Steal Other People's Ideas
Because of the way human memory works, we tend to pay more attention to the content of an idea than to the source of it. Learn how this peculiarity leads to what psychologist Dan Gilbert calls keptomnesia, or the generating of an idea that you think is original but was actually unconsciously "stolen" from someone else, and how to minimize the chances of committing this error.... posted on Jun 14 2015, 12,702 reads


A Common Humanity: A Conversation with Bob Sadler
I began thinking, What am I doing this for? And I just stopped and relaxed. Something shifted in me and I took in the moment. I saw what was in front of me. Sadler describes the moment that marked a turning point and led to the remarkable story detailed here, of how Sadlers photos of homeless men have been transforming lives.... posted on Jun 13 2015, 15,712 reads


Home: The Movie
World renowned photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, released "Home" on World Environment Day, June 5, 2009. Shot in 54 countries and 120 locations over 217 days, "Home" is almost entirely composed of aerial footage showing how everything on earth is interconnected. Though the visually stunning images inspire a sense of awe, wonder, and appreciation for our home planet, this film was produced to awa... posted on Jun 12 2015, 4,424 reads


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Loneliness is proof that your innate search for connection is intact.
Martha Beck

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